Motherhood Care Nepal (MC Nepal) is a non-political and non-profit making child centered social organization. A group of self-inspired individuals with a strong motive to contribute something out of their strength and capacity for the welfare of the children gave birth to this organization in 2003. From the very start Motherhood Care Nepal has focused its concern to the protection of the children.
Approximately, the children cover fifty percent of the total population in Nepal. It is, therefore, the over all development of the nation depends on how the children of today get brought up for tomorrow. Despite of knowing this fact, the poverty, illiteracy and unstable politics in Nepal have been deteriorating the condition of the children. As a result, the fundamental rights of the children to education, health and childhood life have been extremely violated. On top of this, the situation of the children in under developing country like Nepal will be always at risk of victimized. We, thus, centralize our concern to improving children’s access to education, healthcare and motherly care. It is therefore MC Nepal steps straight for minimizing the hardships of the children and work for meeting the children’s need first.
About thirty-five orphan and helpless children are under the care of the organization in its Children’s Home. Programs like scholarship to the children from backward communities, health awareness program on child mortality, safe motherhood and creative activities for over all development of the children are being operated by the organization.