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Chairman Mohan Karki |
यस वर्ष पनि कार्तिकेय बालप्रतिभा पुरस्कार वितरण समारोह २०७७ भाद्र २९ बालदिवसका अवसरमा आयोजना गरिने कार्तिकेय ट्रस्ट नेपालका अध्यक्ष श्री मोहन कार्कीज्यूले बताउनु भएको छ । अग्रज लेखकलाई सम्मान र नयाँ पुस्तालाई हौसला/प्रेरणा हाम्रो कार्यक्रमको
मूल लक्ष्य रहँदै आएको छ । हामी वर्षभरि धेरै भन्दा धेरै पुस्तक अध्ययन गर्ने र आफूले पढेका धेरै भन्दा धेरै किताबको समीक्षा गर्न सक्ने क्षमतावान् बालप्रतिभाको खोजी गरिरहेका छौँ ।
तपाइर्हंरु माझमा त्यस्ता बालप्रतिभा छन् भने हामीसम्म पुग्ने पुल बनिदिनुस् न है ।
Chairman of Kartikeya Trust Nepal Mr. Mohan Karki has said that the child talent award distribution ceremony will be organized on the occasion of Children's Day this year as well. Respect for senior writers and encouragement / inspiration to the new generation has been the main goal of our program. We are looking for talented children who can read as many books as they want throughout the year and review as many books as they can.
If there are such child talents among you, it should be a bridge to reach us. The children who read the most books throughout the year are awarded the title of Best Student Hero of the Year.
Important information about being rewarded with ten thousand in cash
A meeting chaired by the Chairman of the Trust, Mr. Mohan Karki, has decided to give the Kartikeya Child Talent Award, which has been given for the past two decades, to the children who read the most books throughout the year. This time the trust has decided to give this award to the best reading hero, so send an email to the trust with the list of books you have read.
The trust family will proceed with the selection process in consultation with the selected children and the school being studied. The children to be awarded this year will be awarded with the title of 'Best Study Hero of the Year' with Rs 10,000 in cash.
The Kartikeya Trust has been established in collaboration with senior educationist Mohan Karki by collecting the works of children's writer Kartikeya. The award, which has been given for a long time in collaboration with author Kartikeya and educationist Karki, aims to develop a reading culture among children. For this, the trust has organized many programs among the children. One hundred children have been awarded from the Fund's Educational Incentive Assistance and Child Talent Award and more than one thousand children have been honored with the Educational Incentive Assistance.
इमेल kartikeya99@gmail.com
फोन नं. ९८०१०७७५१५ यो नम्बरमा म्यासेज गर्नुहुन अनुरोध छ ।
फोन नं. ९८०१०७७५१५ यो नम्बरमा म्यासेज गर्नुहुन अनुरोध छ ।
ट्रस्टबाट तपाईंलाई फोन गरिने छ ।